2015 Train Mountain Triennial

Full Version: Trailer Unloading/Loading
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Is there anyone who can explain the procedure that will be used to unload my train when I arrive at TM on Monday June 25th? Next question is will I be able to load my train on Saturday, June 30th?Rolleyes
Unloading / Loading Bert Newberry / Lewis Reid are the committee co-chairs.

I can't answer as to this years unload procedure but I will see if I can get an answer on Monday 6/11. As far as loading on Saturday, the answer is yes but . . . The but part is because of those participating in the Ramble there may be extra pressuer on getting on the road quickly for some. If we are all patient we should get everyone safely loaded and on their way.

Triennial Committee
Maybe if those of us doing the Ramble helped each other load on Saturday afternoon we would get it done faster? We have a pretty big job to load our locos in the Uhaul truck we have hired for the Ramble so we plan on getting started as soon as we can after the parade.

It appears that there will be a lot of people who want to load their trains on Saturday so I guess the best solution to my concern about loading on Saturday is to try and load my train on Friday morning since I have to drive 3000miles and I have to be on the road by 8 am Sunday.
For 2015 we want to keep the congestion on Saturday to a minimum. During the rush on Saturday during the 2012 Tri we had some very short tempers in use and it made it very uncomfortable for those trying to enjoy the Big Toot and the following parade. You have several MONTHS now to plan your stay at Train Mountain and the Triennial. If you absolutely have to be off the property on Saturday then I would strongly suggest you load up Friday evening at your leisure. This makes for less pressure on you and our crowd control folks on Saturday. Remember we are all volunteers all wanting to have fun and enjoy the Tri. Triennial Committee
Here is the current plan for 2015 Loading/Unloading. You will enter Train Mountain at the South Gate on Katy Lane off of South Chiloquin Road.

If you have trains you will be directed to a staging area at the intersection of Katy Lane and Train Mountain Service Road. There you will wait until directed to move up the hill to Crisp Yard by a member of the Load/Unload Committee. The Load/Unload Committee at Crisp Yard will assist if YOU request it, and will have your designated parking area assignment and directions on how to get there. Once unloaded you will be directed out the Front gate and head back down hill to the South Gate where you will then be directed to the Trailer Parking area. All parking other than Handicap will be in the vicinity of Katy Lane, the Service Road, or the West end of South Meadow.

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