2015 Train Mountain Triennial

Full Version: Required fire suppression equipment
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I recall reading somewhere in the previous few months that trains (at least steam powered trains) were required to have certain fire suppression items on board but am unable to locate that article. I remember specifically mention of a 'Pulaski' hoe and there were other items. Can someone point me to that information?

The article to which you refer is probably the one in the October 2014 Train Mountain Gazette on page 14.
Train Mountain does not require these items, they are required by state and federal laws.

The ODF (Oregon Department of Forestry) and USFS (US Forest Service) requires any vehicle that operates on an improved road during Level III Fire Danger to carry the following Fire Fighting Equipment; 1 Shovel with an 8” wide blade and a handle of at least 26”, 1 double-bit axe or a Pulaksi with a 2lb head and 26” handle, a 2.5 lb fire extinguisher and one gallon of water.
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