2015 Train Mountain Triennial

Full Version: Propane Tank Cars
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Will Propane Tank Cars be available for rental this year as in previous Triennials and if so,what is the procedure to reserve one?
Will the propane filling facility be in use and if so, will it be available through out the day?
I was informed by the Train Mountain Administration that Propane Tank Cars would only be rented to those using them to fuel their engines. To reserve one you must do so through Train Mountain, as the Triennial Committee does not handle the rental of Train Mountain equipment. Here is the TM website link http://www.trainmountain.org/. Here is the phone number 541-783-3030. Email is info@trainmountain.org. The TM office hours during the winter are: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10 am to 3 pm Pacific Time. If you do not get an answer on the phone, then try again later as they do sometimes need to leave the office to take care of other business.
In the past the poor fuel pumping volunteer was on call 24/7 and missed a lot of the meets. This meet we hope to help out that fuel pumping volunteer by having posted hours for getting propane or any other fuel. The hours as this moment have NOT been set but will be posted in the Commerative program and at the fuel depot itself. We want to make sure everyone has a great time at the meet and this includes our most supportive and hard working volunteers. The hours should be enough so that everyone should be able to get their fuel when they have a need. We ALL need to refuel our steeds so we will ALL have to schedule our refills accordingly.

Triennial Committee
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